Brieva travels with WWOOF

Most seniors have decided to stay in the US next year, but not Nate Brieva.
Nathan plans to travel to New Zealand and Costa Rica with the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) program as a gap year.
“New Zealand is a great draw for me because of its beautiful landscape,” says Nate. “New Zealand is the perfect opportunity for me to do what I love, which is photography.”
After his gap year Nate plans on attending Kansas University, but his plans are not definite. “That could possibly change depending on my experience out in New Zealand and whether or not I decide to pursue photography solely.”
“I will not be traveling with anyone other than myself. I want to use this opportunity to truly discover who I am as an introvert and I feel I can do this best on my own,” says Nate.
The WWOOF program is a network that places volunteers on organic farms. The WWOOF program offers accommodations and opportunities for students to learn about global organic lifestyles.Nate