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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


The spirit-makers of ETHS

The spirit-makers of ETHS

Eva Sondgeroth and Fiona Vosper February 22, 2024

Throughout the school year, ETHS competes in hundreds of athletic competitions. While it’s the athletes’ jobs to play well, there are other groups who work long hours to evoke a sense of school...

Fall Sports Forecast

Fall Sports Forecast

August 15, 2023

Senior heavy cheer squad shows tremendous improvement in routines

Lena Papa, Staff Writer February 28, 2020

With the cheer season wrapping up, the squads improvement is evident. The team is composed of mostly seniors, and their level of experience shows on the score sheet as they have consistently gotten better. “Our...

New season, same success

William Fogue Wambo, Staff Writer December 13, 2019

Cheer is back. Recently coming off of a strong fall season, it’s straight back to work for the squad.  In their debut home game on Nov. 29 at Beardsley Gym for the girl’s basketball win against...

Cheer flips its way through exciting fall season

Michael Barthelemy and Kevin Thomas November 8, 2019

With a highly experienced squad this season, the cheer team looks to create an exciting year through perfecting high level stunts and continuing to build a sense of community. “This year we have a...

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