Jason Mondragon ready to join U.S. Marine Corps

While other students head off to college or take a gap year, Senior Jason Mondragon will be fighting a different battle: joining the infantry of the Marines.

“I always love a challenge. I thought to myself, what bigger challenge is there than becoming a Marine?” Jason first considered joining the Marines last year with the annual Military Visit Week.

“From what I heard, it sounded like something I saw myself doing. After that I went through the whole process and enlisted on October 29.” After officially enlisting, Jason began preparing for boot camp, which has included months of physical training.

“To me, the physical stuff is the easiest. The hardest thing about being a Marine is probably the time you’ll have to devote to it.”

The next step for Jason is to travel to San Diego, California for boot camp that begins August 10, where he’ll be working as an infantryman.

“I’m doing the hard work stuff. Infantry is what you see on TV. It’s not as dramatic, but ten times more risky.” Despite the physical and mental tests, Jason is prepared for his future. His contract is for eight years, four of which will be active and four of which will be reserved.

After his active duty ends, Jason looks forward to going to school. “Just because you’re thinking military, don’t think that school doesn’t matter. I do plan to become a psychiatrist.”  But for now, Jason can’t wait for the future.

“I’m so ready.”