Soccer looks to continue exciting season

Hailey Fine, Sports Editor

After a game against Glenbrook South yesterday, the Kits look to dominate their upcoming match against New Trier. A strong mental state seems to be key when preparing for important games like these. 

“Every training session is geared towards the next game, and that is really the focus,” senior goalie Daniel Linder said. “Taking the season one game at a time is the key, and making sure everyone is dialed in and ready for the many games ahead.”

Linder, as well as fellow captains Quinn Ackman, Nick James and Morais Lee look to help keep up the competitive attitude and momentum as they move forward into the season. 

“On the field and off the field, there are so many people to turn to who are experienced and who really hold the team to a high standard of discipline and quality,” Linder said. 

Aside from a strong mindset, the Kits have been conditioning and learning new plays in order to physically keep up in the game. 

“Skills and talent-wise, we are one of the best teams, no doubt,” Lee said. 

The Kits will be playing their next game tomorrow against Warren at 11:30 a.m. at the Warren O’Plaine Campus.