Administration outlines semester two changes

In an email sent earlier this week to students and families, the ETHS administration outlined changes that started at the beginning of semester two.. These changes came after a tumultuous end to first semester, including an adaptive pause amid a surge of COVID cases and a lockdown in which students were found with handguns in their possession on school grounds. 

In an effort to mitigate the further spread of COVID, the school has instated an open campus for all grade levels during lunch. Prior to this semester, only juniors and seniors were allowed to leave the ETHS campus during their assigned lunch period. However, the rules around social probation and detention probation have been maintained; students on detention or social probation are not allowed to leave the school during the day. 

Additionally, the administration has changed some logistics of the daily lunch blocks; namely, students can no longer order food to the school or relocate to another lunch space after entering a cafeteria unless the student obtains a pass from a teacher. To remain mindful of COVID guidelines and offer additional space for students to eat lunch, the Hub and the Beardsley Gym balcony will remain open consistently during lunch blocks.  

The ETHS administration has also changed the times in which vending machines are operational. Moving forward, drink vending machines will turn off at 8:35 a.m. and will remain off until 3:30 p.m.. Snack vending machines will turn off at 8:35 a.m., remain off until 11:15 a.m., then function until 2:00 p.m., and then shut off again until 3:30 p.m..  Vending machines in cafeterias will not follow this schedule and will remain functional all day. 

In compliance with the new vending machine hours, students will no longer be allowed to travel to a vending machine during a break from class. Beginning in semester two, teachers who provide breaks during the 85 minute block are not permitted to let students leave the classroom in large groups or for extended periods of time. Rather, all breaks given by teachers must take place in the classroom. 

If students need to use the restroom, they are to use the new passes given to teachers. The new passes explicitly show the room number and floor to ensure that students are using the restroom nearest to their class. 

Additionally, the school reiterated that, similarly to other years, vaping and drugs are strictly prohibited on school grounds. If a student is found in possession of drugs or under the influence, they will be searched by a dean. Weapons of any kind are also strictly prohibited, and the most recent email from the administration implores students to understand that these rules keep our community safe. 

With regards to keeping our community safe throughout the pandemic, the administration emphasized the importance of proper mask wearing, stating that a failure to adhere to mask guidelines may result in varying levels of disciplinary action. In a “first offense,” described as a student who refuses to honor mask requirements, a teacher or staff member is supposed to talk to the student. In a “second offense,” the teacher or staff member is instructed to call home. On a “third offense,” the student is subject to a referral and disciplinary action by the dean. 

While many of these changes remain similar to norms that existed in semester one, the administration emphasized them as enhanced ways to keep our school community safe and healthy.