Open House accommodates for working parents tonight


Sarah Frieman, News Editor

Parents who work day shifts or who can’t take time off work to attend Open House will now be able to go tonight to the Evening Open House.

“I’m looking forward to the change,” Principal Marcus Campbell said. “I think that providing the opportunity for parents to get a feel of their student’s day will be positive.”

            The Evening Open House is an opportunity for parents and guardians to meet their student’s teachers and get familiar with the school. Similar to the Open House Day, guests will follow their student’s schedule, and meet teachers for ten minutes, learning about the course expectations. Grade-level deans, social workers, psychologists and counselors will also be there, providing information about helpful resources for students and their well-being.

“Open House is all about the curriculum and getting parents into the building and familiar with the environment,” Campbell said.

Parents, guardians and adult siblings over 25 can attend school today on Open House Day. Guests can join their students for the entire school day, half day or one or two classes, depending on their schedule.

            Open House Day is formerly known as Parent Shadow Day. In past years, Parent Shadow Day has fallen on Mondays, with shortened periods. Campbell explained that this adds stress to teachers, who also have professional development after school on Mondays. To make things easier, Open House was changed to Wednesday.

            “I want to attend conferences because I want to know what teachers think of me in terms of how I’m doing and how I’m behaving,” freshman Sarah Parisien said.

Students are not required to attend Open House Evening, but can go if they would like. As for conferences, which are more one on one, students are recommended to go.

According to the ETHS website, evening guests should plan to arrive at the school between 5:30-5:50 p.m. Parking is available in the front and rear of the school and the Welcome Session will begin in the auditorium at 6 p.m. Guests will need to request to print out their student’s schedule when they arrive.

            “I want my parents to come to Open House Day because I want them to feel the experience I have in school,” Parisien said.

As for plans for following years, ETHS plans on sending out a survey after the event to parents to get feedback whether Open House was found useful or not. Based on the feedback, ETHS will decide whether or not Open House will happen in years to come.