Illinois haunted houses ready to terrify


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Get your healthy dose of fear this year at four frightening haunted house attractions in the area: Scream Scene, 13th Floor, Statesville, and Fright Fest.

“Fear can give the feeling of being on top of the world,” says Stephanie Rosas, a psychology intern here at ETHS. “When you come down off that high, there is a sense of accomplishment that co
mes from knowing you can overcome anything.”

Experiencing the flood of adrenaline, endorphins, and dopamine, three hormones associated with happiness, while knowing you’re in a safe environment, is the primary attraction to haunted houses.

“In those moments, you let your guard down and let fear take over, which provides a calm, accompanied by a sense of true accomplishment,” explains Rosas.

Within its 24 rooms and hallways, Scream Scene is now including chainsaw maniacs, crazed clowns in the famous clown maze, and insane doctors. Also, 13th Floor added two major attractions: the Feral Moon, a cryptic cemetery filled with escaping werewolves, and the Dead End District, a series of hallways that take you through a corrupt scientist’s experiments.

Being frightened with some friends isn’t the only way to take advantage of haunted houses. Many of them, including the local Scream Scene, offer community service hours to those who want to dress up and scare the visitors.

For four-hour shifts, Scream Scene welcomes volunteers to work as a group guide or an actor. Free pizza and soda are also provided at the end of each night.

“Almost all of the volunteers are high schoolers, presumably because they have the most passion and interest,” says Caroline Galliani, senior at Regina High School.

Whether you participate as a guest or scarer, the fear and fun of haunted house go hand in hand.

“I love getting scared because of the adrenaline that runs through my body,” says Angelina Escobar, sophomore. “It’s a great bonding experience with friends.”