The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


Jenny Weber, CTE teacher and DECA leader, announced students’ accomplishments as part of the club.

May 14 School Board meeting features reflections on past school year, plans for future

Natalie Weinert, Staff Writer May 18, 2024

On May 14, the District 202 School Board held their last meeting before the end of the 2023-2024 school year. The meeting consisted of a variety of presentations and discussions,  in topics that ranged...

11th annual MENAA Summit fosters conversations surrounding cultural identity

Makeda Hausman, Staff Writer May 10, 2024

Evanston Township High School hosted the 11th annual MENAA (Middle Eastern, North African and Asian) Summit on April 24, serving as a space for discussions about cultural heritage and ethnicity. The...

Evanston politicians gathered for a climate panel, moderated by CJC student leaders, where participants could openly ask questions. (Courtesy of ETHS)

Climate Justice Conference unites students for environmental education, features guest speakers

Keira Beaudoin, Staff Writer May 10, 2024

The 2024 Climate Justice Conference, held annually by a collection of ETHS clubs and student groups, brought students at all levels of climate knowledge together on April 25 to share their ideas, learn...

The new health sciences lab features a classroom and five hospital beds.

ETHS Foundation unveils new health sciences lab, in-school opportunity to earn CNA

On April 16, the ETHS Foundation, an organization dedicated to raising and distributing funds for the high school, held a formal ribbon cutting ceremony to inaugurate a new health sciences lab. The lab,...

Participants gathered in the Main Auditorium. The conference featured multiple guest speakers and breakout sessions that fostered in-depth conversation. (Courtesy of ETHS)

ETHS hosts first ever Abilities Conference

Rosie Witt, Assistant News Editor May 8, 2024

On April 9, for the first time in ETHS history, a conference centered around experiences related to having a disability, dubbed the Abilities Conference, was held. The conference took place during Abilities...

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Randal Derousse

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Randal Derousse

Hannah Cervantes, Staff Writer May 8, 2024

After 36 years teaching Physical Education at ETHS, Randall Derousse is retiring. When Derousse started at ETHS in the fall of 1987, he was a full time substitute teacher for PE classes as well as a soccer...

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Jed Curtis

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Jed Curtis

Ethan Ravi, News Editor May 8, 2024

After 33 years of teaching at ETHS, Jed Curtis is retiring. A math teacher during the entirety of his ETHS career, Curtis was also a 1985 graduate of the high school.  During his tenure at the school,...

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Teresa Granito

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Teresa Granito

Jaren Davis, Staff Writer May 8, 2024

Teresa Granito, an ETHS biology teacher, is retiring after 30 dedicated years of service. Granito, who started teaching at ETHS in 1993, has taught all levels of biology, from AP Biology to Earned Honors...

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Stephen Dickman

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Stephen Dickman

Nadira Bumi, Staff Writer May 8, 2024

After over 30 years at ETHS, Stephen Dickman has decided that the 2023-24 school year will be his last year teaching physics as he transitions to retirement. Throughout the many years, Dickman has demonstrated...

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Joel Weiner

Retiring teachers reflect on time at ETHS: Joel Weiner

Sam Froum, A&E Editor May 8, 2024

It is the year 2000. A young-ish Joel Weiner with a full head of hair and 20/20 vision arrives at ETHS to teach chemistry.  Flash forward 24 years. It is the year 2024. An older, bald, bespectacled...

Class of 2024 scholarship award winners

May 8, 2024

Below is the list of winners of the scholarship awards at ETHS for the Class of 2024. Congratulations to everyone! Rebecca Kranz Crown Award Monijesu Adeosun Excellence in Mathematics Toluwanimi...

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