ETHS explains budgeting policy


Simone Williams, In-Depth Editor

Money talks.

ETHS passed an almost 84 million dollar budget for the school’s overall funds this year and now the budget plan is explained.

“Our primary goal in budgeting is to make sure we have all the needs met for the instructional side,” Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Mary Rodino says.

The District Goals are reviewed every five years to make sure that the school’s priorities are in order. This past September, the four new goals, was approved by The School Board.

“Curriculum needs get determined by a process called sectioning,” Rodino says. “That’s basically looking at the expectation of how many students will be here next year, classes they’ve selected, department needs and so on.”

Sectioning takes place early March and is a large process that involves many members here. This all determines what the need is academically.

“Doctor Campbell and Human Resource work really hard on figuring out how to staff all of those needs,” Rodino says. “Then we try to make the numbers work to produce a June tentative budget for the following year.”

Specifically the money is spent towards, 68% salaries, 8% fringe benefits, 8% purchased services, 8% off campus services, 5% supplies & materials, 2% capital outlay, and 1% miscellaneous.

According to The Evanston Now, ETHS officials worry that decisions by lawmakers could blow a several million dollar hole in the high school’s budget.

Luckily, there isn’t a need to panic now because our district has healthy property tax funding to continue to provide quality education for the students in Evanston.