Pop the bubble

Our opinions aren’t always reflective of the whole nation

Pop the bubble

Whether you want to believe it or not, Evanston is a liberal bubble.

There’s no doubt that the majority of our school didn’t expect the outcome of the presidential race. That’s because we live in Evanston. Many of us could not believe that while the Evanston community, and particularly our school, reacted to the results with sorrow, other parts of the United States felt differently. The reality is, Evanston is a very liberal city with the majority of people sharing the same values and political views. The small majority of people with beliefs that stray from Evanston’s popular opinion are viewed as outliers in our city, yet they are not outliers in our nation.

Superintendent Eric Witherspoon addressed our school the morning after election night, sensing a need to reach out to the student body and staff and express his sympathy. He wanted to remind everyone what this school stands for; a place where every person, no matter their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity, can feel safe and appreciated. This message rang loud in the ears of many and has since been repeated throughout the community as well as other parts of the nation. It’s incredible that a message that Witherspoon crafted in about 20 minutes can have such tremendous impact on so many.

And yet, we must realize that this message would not have been so well recepted had it been said in other conservative parts of the country. Here in Evanston and at our school especially, we embrace our differences. We are lucky to live in a city and attend a school that accepts everyone for who they are. Witherspoon acknowledges that Evanston is a liberal bubble, and he is proud of it. He says that growing up in an environment that encourages discussion and acceptance helps us become well-rounded and compassionate people. These values will help us educate the world around us as we grow up and leave our hometown.

We at the Evanstonian believe that just because we live in a liberal bubble, doesn’t mean we are excused from recognizing different perspectives on critical issues. We must stay up to date with the struggles and opinions of the rest of the nation and use what what we learn from our safe community of Evanston to better the country. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves about the world around us and not just stick to Evanston’s swayed perspective. The next time our nation has a big decision to make, let’s remember that it may not always go the way Evanston predicts it to. It’s okay to be shocked right now, but looking forward, we should strive to acknowledge the other side and continue to stand up for what we believe in.