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The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Archived Opinion

Drop It Increase First Night attendance with ball drop

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer December 18, 2014

Imagine Times Square on New Year’s Eve. A spectacle that few have attended, but many Evanstonians have watched on TV. This event is the pinnacle of New Year’s Eve--the Holy Grail of the New Year--and...

Cotillion excludes majority of students

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor December 18, 2014

This dance is too exclusive. Every year, the Women’s Club of Evanston sponsors a dance that deliberately excludes many of the ETHS junior and seniors. Only a select coterie of girls will get chosen...

Raising the minimum wage is not the answer

Gabby Smith, Opinion Editor December 18, 2014

Minimum wage equals minimum effort. Raising the minimum wage will lower competition for jobs and reward people for doing easier jobs. Chicago has decided to raise the minimum wage from eight dollars...

Thanksgiving is the best American holiday

Thanksgiving is the best American holiday

Claire Greising, Opinion Columnist November 25, 2014

I used to think that Thanksgiving was a pretty convoluted holiday. A day supposedly meant to commemorate the first harvest or make a friendly gesture to Native American tribes or whatever, it didn’t...

Black Friday shouldn't start on Thanksgiving

Black Friday shouldn’t start on Thanksgiving

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer November 25, 2014

Retailers wake up! Most national retailers are now starting Black Friday on Thursday afternoon, which is, to put it bluntly, stupid. This is Thanksgiving after all and it is to supposed to signify appreciating...

Thanksgiving trivializes Native American plight

Thanksgiving trivializes Native American plight

Gabby Smith, Opinion Editor November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving should not be a holiday. You all have been taught that Thanksgiving is a paradoxical holiday where we celebrate seemingly peaceful colonists who “discovered” America and were eager...

History lessons whitewash history

History lessons whitewash history

Rena Newman, Guest Opinion Writer October 5, 2014

Why is it so easy to name a few of the ‘Founding Fathers’, but nearly impossible to name a leader from the women’s suffrage movement? Because our colorful past is dripping with whiteout. It’s...

You can go 24 hours without your phone

You can go 24 hours without your phone

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer October 5, 2014

Put it down! You’re tuning out on life while tuning in to your phone. Let’s face it, social media isn’t all that important. You shouldn’t care about your ratio or the number of likes you got...

It’s free! Wildkit Academy ACT class deserves more attention

It’s free! Wildkit Academy ACT class deserves more attention

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor October 5, 2014

Save your money and attend Wildkit Academy ACT prep. Some of you are beginning ACT prep with expensive, private tutors. This is a waste of money with the option of Wildkit Academy ACT prep, offered...

Gym classes neglect gender equality

Rena Newman, Guest Writer October 3, 2014

Freshman gym is fenced off between the sexes - girls in one class, guys in the other. But the curricula are not the same. The gym units split with a glaring and troubling irony that has gone completely...

Homecoming court should be abolished

Homecoming court should be abolished

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor October 3, 2014

Although ETHS continues to crown Homecoming King and Queen, we live in a generation that is too progressive to give a select few teenagers crowns for their success in popularity. Putting big posters...

Students must value global issues

Students must value global issues

Gabby Smith, Opinion Editor October 3, 2014

Drop your cell phone and pick up a newspaper. Students at ETHS are horribly unaware of the huge global conflicts occurring right now. The problem isn’t that the student body isn’t aware, it’s...

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