Homecoming court should be abolished

Although ETHS continues to crown Homecoming King and Queen, we live in a generation that is too progressive to give a select few teenagers crowns for their success in popularity.

Putting big posters around every corner of the school and making announcements over the loudspeakers during the day is definitely overdoing it. People practically beg for their peers to vote for them in a silly contest that has no meaning.

Being elected homecoming king or queen does not mean anything, aside from the fact that you are well-liked. It does not make the winner better than the losers, or better than the people who were not elected. Simply put, the race to this throne is a popularity contest.

When put in these terms, it begs the question: Why do we hold this election every year? It is exclusive and makes others feel inferior. Besides, do the pretty, popular kids need more validation than they already get?

The simple answer is that homecoming is a tradition. Schools do not want to change their traditions because it is what everyone is used to. Changing the policies would take an adjustment, but it would be worth it in the long run. Although homecoming courts can bring out the worst in some people, it can bring out the best in a school community. Mary Collins, homecoming queen for the class of 1984, says that these titles represent tradition and school spirit. As long as they are a positive thing, she claims, they should be kept in place.

Homecoming courts can have positive effects. Homecoming is a tradition where the entire student body participates in the dance, the football game, spirit week and, of course, the contest for homecoming court. The homecoming court is another aspect of the unity and school spirit brought to ETHS throughout homecoming.

These titles can also be used to bring out acceptance of others. For example, a University of Northern Iowa transgender student was crowned homecoming queen in 2013. Collins also notes that in her experience as homecoming queen, no one campaigned for their votes. Unfortunately, this is not the case currently.

The campaigns are not worth it. People practically beg for their peers to vote for them in a silly contest that has no meaning. The campaigns these days are out of control. We as a school community should not be too stuck in our old traditions and realize that it may be time to form new ones.

It is time for us to reconsider the traditional homecoming court. A good alternative would be electing 5-10 students of each gender to be recognized for community service or outstanding academic achievement.

This would allow people to be recognized for actually achieving something tangible, not more recognition of their placement in the ever present social hierarchy.

Now is the time to form new traditions that would make more students feel included and appreciated by their peers.