The Black Summit, Feb. 5 & Feb. 7, 2019
Student facilitators walking off-stage together.
February 17, 2019
“The Black Summit experience for me was a space for healing, a time for self reflection, and a powerful reminder of our ever rich and beautiful history as black people”
Alex Bolling, senior
“My experience at the black student summit was ok, but it wasn’t the best. It focused very little on being [a] black youth in this school and more about the people in your environment and how to manage conflict. Also, most of the adults in the space didn’t really allow for students to talk and voice their grievances, especially with safety officers. The fact that it was able to be done was really amazing and those who worked on it did a great job. I think it was more just the facilitators and adults in the space kind of ruined it.”
Brea Matthews, senior
“Be BlackWhole, meaning you’re whole black self, that’s what Calvin Tarrell taught us.”
Grey Miller, junior
“The summit was a great effort by the committee and the facilitators. However there was a lack of participation by the students that caused the learning environment to not be as constructive as it could have been. This was in my group specifically, I am unsure about other groups. However, for some of the activities they felt pointless and weren’t meaningful for most people participating.”
Charles Taylor, senior
“I’m thankful for being a part of my last black summit. Honestly, my favorite part was seeing folks enjoy the summit or hearing folks ask how they can get involved next year. I’m hopeful for what is to come after us.”
Devea Williams, senior
“I think the black summit is a ‘safe zone.’ Meaning, it is the only time that we can talk about and celebrate blackness. It is a space of healing and community. I see all of my black peers, and I feel this loving energy that surrounding us. If I could only freeze the moment, I would. In that moment, my blackness is not being weaponized, and my suffering is not a spectacle. We are able to truly be ourselves in an institution that is not made for us. We are able to redefine blackness for ourselves. The black summit allow us, if only for a moment. to exist as ourselves.”
Nia Williams, senior
Seniors and student facilitators Serena Clarke, Kathlyn Eteym, Brianna Pettigree.