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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Archived News

What does the fox pay?

What does the fox pay?

Alex Howard, News Editor November 24, 2013

121 families at ETHS are homeless. A Student Council campaign was started on Nov. 4 to raise money to help these families in need. The supposed-to-be-annoying song, “What does the Fox Say,” was...

News Editor

ETHS holds Frosh/Soph College Prep Night

Eli Baum, News Editor November 24, 2013

In order to help students start preparing for college earlier, ETHS held its first College Prep & Planning Night for Freshmen and Sophomores on Nov. 21           in the Auditorium. Beth...

Not just a party

Not just a party

Loie Gilbert, News Reporter November 24, 2013

To offer leadership, performance, and social opportunities to area youth, the McGaw YMCA in Evanston has changed Brillianteen. “Brillianteen has been a program at the YMCA for 63 years. It produces...

Junk food to be eliminated from vending machines

Junk food to be eliminated from vending machines

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor October 29, 2013

Due to new rules set by the USDA, plans are underway to remove unhealthy foods from the school, starting next summer. “All candy will be removed and the bottled beverages will go down in size,”...

Security guard doubles as musician

Security guard doubles as musician

Milo Krimstein, Entertainment Writer October 29, 2013

We have unknown talent walking among us during every passing period. It’s true. Jesse Richardson is not only a security guard, but also a member of a jazz band called Jabon. The band began in 1992...

Latino Quest brings 8th annual 'Day of the Dead' festival Nov. 1

Latino Quest brings 8th annual ‘Day of the Dead’ festival Nov. 1

Alex Howard, News Editor October 29, 2013

Don’t forget your piñata bat; this year’s Latino Heritage Month festival is sure to blow minds. When it comes to Latino culture, Latino Quest knows their heritage. This year, like every year since...

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