Introducing The Evanstonian’s Best of Evanston Food 2023

From boba to burritos, pancakes to pizza, if you’re in Evanston it’s more than likely that eating good food is a staple in your day. Whether it be a coffee shop to study at, dinner with the family, or a spot for a midnight snack, the options are endless. In Downtown Evanston alone, there are approximately 66 places to eat and drink, not to mention the hundreds more that surround the area. While it can be difficult as a student to fit all your friend’s meal preferences into a 45-minute lunch block, the proximity of Downtown Evanston restaurants to the school and to each other makes the decision a bit easier, and makes everyone a bit happier. 

Food is very much a subjective topic—one of the most frequent debates among ETHS students is simply where to get the best of whatever they’re looking for. In this spread of the food themed issue of The Evanstonian we put these opinions to the test to truly see what is the best of the best.