Club fair helps students navigate activities

September 16, 2016
Although most new students are overwhelmed by the large club selection at ETHS, the Club Fair has now narrowed down the choices.
“The club fair was a time where if someone has an interest, they can pursue it,” says Nichole Boyd, director of Activities. “Students were able to step outside of their comfort zone in a judgment free way.”
While the event takes place on Sept.14 in the Main Lobby, it allowed for new and experienced students alike to join a club based on their interests. With over 100 clubs to choose from, the event gave students a chance to see what is out there, or make a new organization of their own.
“The club fair last year helped us get a lot of people because our previous group graduated,” Marjie Erickson, senior head of the Film Club, says. “We saw a shift from juniors and seniors to the underclassmen, which was really exciting.”
The goal of the fair was to provide an equal representation of all clubs and interests, whether it be sports or an academic region. Entertainment is no different. The fair even allowed for students to feel more comfortable to get involved in these programs, whether it be Film Club, Poetry Club, or Acapella.
“Coming out of middle school I really wanted to do poetry in high school, and the club has allowed me to do so,” Noah McKay, a senior involved in Poetry Club, says. “Once I found out about it I instantly signed up.”
Just in the last year, over 500 students have been involved in various clubs around the school, with a large portion of them having to do with fine arts. Whether it be a smaller niche or a larger organization, there are a variety of options for students who are inclined.
“Anything that we can do in this office, whether it be sports or clubs or fine arts to make students have an awesome four years, we will do it,” Boyd says. “The most important thing is for students to just get involved.”