Take art classes to boost your health and your grades


Get smART.

Too many of us stop taking art classes because we don’t realize all that they can do for us. From mental wellness to your GPA, art classes are worth considering.

So you think you’re bad at art—ba huh. With classes like sculpture, ceramics, photography and more, art is so much more than being able to draw. (But if you want to learn drawing, there’s a class for that too). No matter what you like, you’ll be able to find something that suits your skills or teaches you from square one.

That’s where the mental wellness aspect comes in—learning new skills creates new pathways in your brain. This makes your brain foster more connections and improve “brain plasticity” which is the ability to adapt.

I’m not done yet. As a Psychology Today article explains, just looking at art is enough to stimulate dopamine, which is a chemical in your brain that makes you feel pleasure and battles depression and stress. When you accomplish something it also releases dopamine, so even if that project you finish isn’t Musem of Modern Art worthy, it will bring you health and happiness just to have done it.

If all that mental wellness jazz doesn’t cut it for you, here are some hard numbers: a ten week art class out in the adult world will cost you over $300. Art classes at ETHS? $0. Granted there are a couple classes that you need to bring materials for, but the costs will be covered if a student is in need.

There you have it, art classes here are healthy, soothing, and a total bargain. Yet students continue to opt out. There may be no room in your schedule because it is filled with more academic classes, and that’s hard to dispute. If you don’t have the time, you just don’t. But if you abandon the arts just for an extra free period, think again. Free periods are useful to destress, but as we’ve found out, so is art. Plus, instead of the constant temptation to watch Netflix during free periods, taking an art class can be sure to boost your GPA.

As art teacher Marla Seibold explains, you don’t need to be “good” at art to get an A. Putting in hard work, using the appropriate techniques, and taking risks is what’s important to do well in an art class. You can even get honors credit!

Whether you dive into the arts or just dip your feet, I assure you it will be worth it. These amazing opportunities to improve your health, your grades, and expand your horizons may only be around while you’re in high school, so use them.