Joint blocked periods to connect APUSH, English

ETHS will offer a joint block period of AP Language and Composition and AP US History for juniors next fall.
“I taught AP Language and Composition for four years,” said Julie Mallory, English teacher. “It’s all based on American Authors that ties into significant point in American history. It seamed like a natural fit.”
Students will be allowed to take a blocked two periods AP US History (APUSH) with the AP Language and Composition course.
“Students would make a connection of what they learn in history and in English to better their understanding,” added Mallory.
Currently, ETHS is running an informal pilot of the program between Malory’s AP Language and Composition course and Parker’s APUSH course.
“Based on the early successes from this year, we wanted to make it more formal and offer it next year,” said Scott Bramley, English Dept. Chair.
Teachers will now integrate assessments and give combined projects for both classes.
“We have this integrated courses at our Honors level but not for the AP but we see the value of having the integrated approach,” added Bramley.
The course is for students who are already committed to take both AP Language and Composition as well as APUSH.
“It is still going to be two rigorous courses, but the students will be able to bear the work together,” added Bramley.
Teachers will also communicate with each other to make it a successful year for each student.
“I try to make the load manageable. So if there is an APUSH test one day, I won’t give an in-class essay the same day,” said Mallory.
According to Mallory, the ability to understand nonfiction text with a historical back round is very important.
“Now we can take what we novel from English and apply that directly to the content studied that day in AP US history,” said Mallory.
“The ability to pull in the information rather than the “aha!” moment from yourself is very useful,” said Bramley.
While some students think a joint course if a positive idea, others have their concerns.
“I think it is a fair idea,” said Sam Manton, sophomore. “I am more confident about being able to take both classes now since they will be connected.”
“I think it is going to be helpful that the teachers are paired but if you have a pair that you don’t like and people that you don’t like in your classes, you are stuck with them for a double period,” added Miara Handler, sophomore.
The courses will be the follow the same curriculum as if they were separate classes, but teachers will try to bridge their courses together to build additional connections.
“Students will be able to not only read a nonfiction novel in a readers point of view, but also a historians,” concluded Bramley.