E-Town Idol’s got talent


Fayanna Gayle

Based loosely off of FOX’s hit reality show American Idol, E-Town Idol has expanded over the past several years. The competition is now divided into multiple categories including singing, dancing, rapping, and, this year, comedy.
“We haven’t had all too many people come in to audition for the comedy aspect of E-Town Idol, most likely because it’s brand new,” remarks Kiwana Brown, E-Town Idol sponsor.
The term “comedy” could signify anything from sketch comedy to stand-up; E-Town Idol welcomes a wide range of contestants.
Another remarkable category of the competition has flown under the radar in past years.
“We recently decided to incorporate staff, because there was really no venue for staff members to display their talent and for students to see staff in a different way,” says Brown.
This complements ETHS’s 2013-2014 slogan, (“make every connection count”) providing students and teachers with a way to relate outside of the classroom.
“The competition used to only be for singing, but as we got suggestions from staff and students, we realized that this could become the type of place where many kinds of talent could be showcased,” states Brown.
This change hasn’t gone unnoticed, either. Last year, a dance group won E-Town Idol; the year before, a singer/songwriter won.
The winners are awarded in cash.
“The more people we have, the more money we have to give to the winners; the pot has been as small as $50 and as large as $125,” says Brown.
“Each contestant must attend two training sessions with a coach, and the coaches’ responsibility is to prepare the contestants for the competition,” says Brown.
E-Town Idol showcases a range of talent from around the school.